13 May 2015

Me Made May 2015 (Week I)

Scout Tee- Grainline Studio
Plantain - Deer and Doe (Free Pattern)
Scout Tee- Grainline Studio

Belladone Dress - Deer and Doe

Hi!! I'm a little bit late, but I signed in on Me Made May 2015

What is Me-Made-May'15?

Me-Made-May'15 is a challenge designed to encourage people who sew/knit/crochet/refashion/upcycle garments for themselves to actually wear and love them. The me-made and self-stitched challenges have been taking place for five years now and they work on both a personal and community level. The participants decide the specifics of their own challenge pledge, so that the month is appropriate and challenging for them (more on this below). For example, a very common pledge is for a participant to aim to wear one self-stitched or refashioned garment each day for the duration of May 2015.

I endeavor to finish some UFO'S garments that I have around the house. Specifically I would like to finish an Emery Dress, a Platain Dress (at least!).  
At the same time I'll try to wear at least three times a week clothes made by me.
My MMMay 2014: here.
Hola! Este año vuelvo a participar en el Me Made May, la idea básicamente es animar a la gente a coser/lucir orgullosamente ropa hecha por nosotras mismas. Parte de la idea también consiste en compartir una parte de este reto a través de las redes sociales y así poder curiosear lo que han cosido otras personas y ver si vale la pena coser un patrón, ver distintas versiones de estos...
Mi propósito es: terminar algunos objetos no identificados que tengo por casa y sobretodo terminar mi Emery Dress y un vestido Plantain que tengo a medias. 
A la vez llevar al menos tres días a la semana ropa cosida por mi.
Mi MMMay 2014: aquí.
* Aprovecho que es jueves para volver a participar en RUMS, después de varios meses.


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