31 Dec 2011

On holidays

I'm having a wondeful days in Lanzarote, this island is amazing!! Have a happy new year! A big hug to all of you!
Sorry, no translation today because I'm writing with my phone!                                              

26 Dec 2011

Give away!!

I'm very happy to announce my first GIVE AWAY! If you want this nice pendant it's very simple:
- Be a "blogger or a facebook" follower
- Leave a comment with your email and with your name.
* Last day to participate 10th of January!!! Good luck!!

Me hace especial ilusión anunciar mi primer SORTEO!! Si queréis este bonito collar es muy sencillo:
- Tenéis que ser seguidores del blog vía blogger o vía facebook. 
- Dejar un comentario en este post, sin olvidar vuestro nombre y vuestro email.
* Podéis participar desde ahora mismo hasta el 10 de Enero. Buena suerte!!

25 Dec 2011

Bon Nadal!!!

I wish you a happy Christmas and a wonderful 2012!!! Enjoy these special days with family&friends!

Feliz Navidad a todos!! Que tengáis un muy buen año 2012 y a disfrutar de los últimos días de 2011!

Molt bon Nadal a tothom!! Us desitjo un gran 2012! Gran nit de tió ahir i bon dia de Nadal avui!!*

21 Dec 2011

Abuelitas Modernas Pre-Christmas

* Thanks a lot for all blog congratulations!!  I've done some blog changes, I hope you like them!

Last Sunday I went with "las Abuelitas Modernas" I absolutely love this kind of Sundays, we had a great time together! These girls are so talented, you can check more photos on Raquel's and on Leire's blog! This time we went to Sandwichez, which is a quiet and a cozy coffe!
Thanks Natàlia, Eva, Ingrid, Elena, Imma, Berta ,Julia, Raquel and Leire for this nice evening!

* Cambios y más cambios...entre ellos cambio de idioma, aunque el inglés va a seguir siendo el idioma principal del blog, voy ha hacer algunas traducciones simultaneas! Muchos visitantes del blog sois de hispano hablantes, que el sr. de que hace las estadísticas en blogger lo chiva todo!
Por lo tanto aquí va: El pasado domingo hicimos otra merienda con las Abuelitas Modernas! Me encantan este tipo de domingos, súper bien aprovechados: hablando, tejiendo, aprendiendo entre nosotras... gracias a todas!!

A give away is coming!* Muy pronto un sorteo!

19 Dec 2011

TinyNiceThings' 1st Birthday!!!!

From here!
One year ago I did my first post! Ohhh congratulations tiny blog! Some little blog changes are coming!
This week I'm going to do a give away, so be aware!
Thanks to ALL of you for being here *

17 Dec 2011


What a windy day in Barcelona! I been preparing a lot of Christmas presents today! I'm glad that I don't need to go to the city centre, I'm sure that it's totally crowded!
This week there's going to be a tiny surprise on the blog, as is, its 1st anniversary! yeah!!
Have a nice weekend!!*

14 Dec 2011

Nice knitting book

From here
Last summer, my parents (advised for me ;)) present me this knitting book, it's call Knitting 24/7. The truth is that I haven't knit none of this projects yet. I guess it's not too late! The book is totally worth it, even if it's just for the photos! If you want to check more, have a look to my favourite New Zeeland blogger: tinyhappy! 
The last photo is a crochet bag I'm in love with!
I need more time to knit!!!*

11 Dec 2011

Making things

As autumn is turning to winter, I stay more time indoors. I like to stay outdoors during the daylight hours, but when it gets dark, I only feel like staying home.
Last week I did this floral purse and this knitted bow necklace for my sister, as it was her birthday.
I thought that doing a "click purse" it was much more difficult, but it's not!! In "el Costurero Magazine" there's a good tutorial.
On the other hand... I can't stop crocheting mittens, it's a big addiction! So I'll have Xmas presents for everybody, boys&girls!
I think that it's quite difficult to find a good present for boys/men, any goods ideas?
Thanks for all your sweet comments!! Have a wonderful week!

6 Dec 2011

El Festivalet

Last Sunday I went to "El Festivalet", it's a wonderful handmade market organized by Duduá and Sirena con Jersey. I met some talented designers who I only knew from "the blog world".
If you feel like gossiping, you can check hundreds of photos here and have a look to all the designers here.
The last two photos are what I bought: wonderful pins made by cheerful Natàlia from lepetitpot; and a natural soap and a lip balm made by Olivia from Jabones de Cuidado.
The truth is I would have spent all my money that evening!

2 Dec 2011

Friday Feeling

Today is cold enough for wearing my cape! Although I have had this cape for two years, I almost never wear it... I think the main point, is that it's very difficult together with a handbag.
The second photo is for Caterina's flickr group called "una porción y media" check it! Good ideas!
The other photos are from this morning, the newspaper is everyday less healthy, it seems like the world apocalypse is coming... 


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