Today is cold enough for wearing my cape! Although I have had this cape for two years, I almost never wear it... I think the main point, is that it's very difficult together with a handbag.
The second photo is for Caterina's flickr group called "una porción y media" check it! Good ideas!
The other photos are from this morning, the newspaper is everyday less healthy, it seems like the world apocalypse is coming...
Love you in the cape! And I want to learn how to knit :)! Nice pics!
ReplyDeleteque maca la capa i quina bona pinta la quiche! Ahir vaig rebre l´avís de correus, dilluns passaré a buscar el penjoll :)
ReplyDeletem'agraden els divendres...
...a mi em passa exactament igual amb les capes :)
ReplyDelete...m'encanta la foto, ja t'ho he dit, oi? ♥
Great to see you joining the Flickr Group.
ReplyDeleteOh maca amb la capa!m'agrada molt!
ReplyDeleteQue estas teixint?una bufanda? sembla una llana molt suau!
Ya he desayunado, pero qué rico todo! Quizá sea hora de hacer el segundo desayuno... jajaja (es broma, es broma :P)
ReplyDeleteMuchas gracias por tu comentario! Me alegro que te hayan gustado las fotos :)
Un abrazo!
Hay algo mejor que una tarde sofa haciendo punto? Por cierto, esa madeja tiene un color precioso!!y seguro que la capa para esta epoca del año te viene genial
La capa és molt maca, jo en tinc una de l'any passat i l'ulitizó moltissim i el bolso el col·loco dins. Vaig anar a l'oysho a per les postals però no les vaig veure :(
You look beautiful in your cape with your hair up...but I know what you mean about capes and handbags...they definitely do not go least not comfortably.