26 Apr 2012

Wiksten tank top IV

I'm totally addicted to sew Wiksten tank tops! I've just realized that this one is my 4th, last summer I sewed a floral one, a blue one for my mum and a too big tank dress.
It was fun to take these photos, my boyfriend took them, while I was watchful of not missing the last bus Banyoles-Barcelona!

Aquí viene otra Wiksten tank top. Acabo de darme cuenta que es el cuarto que coso, el verano pasado hice este con un estampado floral, uno azul para mi madre y un vestido para mi (un poquito demasiado grande.)
Fue un show tirar estas fotos, ya que mientras mi novio me las estaba tirando, yo tenía que estar vigilando si teníamos que salir corriendo para coger el último bus Banyoles-Barcelona! 


  1. Wow, it looks really good. Love the choice of fabric. And about the dress, I would like to make a similar one for myself, too. Once my kids have the summer wardrobe sorted ;)

  2. I have only made one and plan to make more. I like the colours in the floral fabric and especially with a cardigan. Nice job!

  3. I love this! The fabric pattern is great! I am quite smitten with that pattern too.

  4. Love it Neus, the fabric is lovely. I think I'm on to my fourth or fifth tank as well, I made on in silk which I didn't post yet. Such a great pattern, right?

  5. La tela es preciosa y el modelo muy cómodo, como me gustan. Te has hecho una chulada de camiseta!

  6. Però que xulu t'ha quedat i la roba és preciosa!

  7. Caram!! quina traça! jo em veig incapaç d'anar més enllà d'un necesser o un bolso!!! és molt xula!!!

  8. It's darling! I love the fabric. I haven't bought this pattern yet, but plan to now that she's released it as a digital download.

  9. tinc molts petits projectes al cap pero sembla fàcil de fer! Et queda molt bé :)

  10. I love your fabric! I've just made my first one - I think I'll be making lots more like you!

  11. Me encanta esta tela! El toque del bolsillito es muy chulo.
    Tienes una nueva follower!



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