2 Jun 2011


This was my boyfriend's granny lovely sewing box. 
Lately I spent a lot of hours in the library and I've changed my tea for a coffee, just for a little while...

Today I've cut the tank top pattern and I can't stop thinking that I was crazy to sewing without any pattern before!! In fact, for this reason you haven't seen yet a shirt that I was sewing... I have to fix quite a lot of "details" now! 


  1. Jo també porto uns dies que no faig res més que estar davant l'ordinador tot el dia (i part de la nit). Tinc masses ganes d'acabar!
    M'agraden molt els envoltoris que fas per cada un dels collarets, són únics i això els fa més especials :)

    ànims amb l'estudi!

  2. estudia, i després la botigueta d´etsy :)

  3. Your things look so lovely in that sewing box, cute!

  4. I love your blog, now following!

    xo galmeetsglam.com

  5. Precioso empaque, me encanta :)

  6. Me encantan las bibliotecas. Me gustaría pasara algunas horas allí, también.

  7. I really love these photos! What kind of camera did you use?

  8. i love the library, especially because they have computers MUCH nicer than mine!

    and thank you SO much for the comment and heads up about my pictures! can't have a blog with broken pictures!

  9. what a lovely sewing box! so vintage!

  10. coffee in the library..mmm! and your shirt sounds like it will be cute!!

    thank you for your comment on our blog - we really appreciate it! <3

    hope you come to visit us soon!
    xo, camilla & valerie

  11. Those are beautiful photos, and I hope that we can see the shirt that you're sewing!

    I really like your blog and I was wondering if you would be interested in following each others blogs? xx

  12. I'm addicted to coffee! Just love it and can't live without it! It's one of my tiny moments that make me happy in life.

    Good luck with the shirt! You can do it!
    Rambles with Reese



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