18 Sept 2011

Hurrah For Autumn

Soon available in my shop

I think I haven't seen the rain for more than a month! Right now is raining a little bit! :)  The temperature isn't as hot as the days before. So it's a good idea to spend this Sunday afternoon finishing my autumn collection and my Tova dress. All of this after eating a delicious veggie soup! I'm a huge fan of summer but I feel like I need some fresh air!


  1. que maco el penjoll llarg! Em sembla que aquest cop no em podré resistir i acabaré comprant-me un :)
    Aquí a Bilbao porta tot el cap de setmana plovent, pero s´agraeix! Aquest temps convida a quedar-se a casa i endreçarla una mica. El cap de setmana vinent faré una escapadeta a Barcelona a veure el Expohogar. Quines ganes!

  2. que llegue el otoño, pero de a poco el frío, que por estos lares dura muchos meses.
    Buen otoño :DD bello el colgante.

  3. Que bonic!Avui ja fa temps de tardor! el teu penjoll te el color perfecte per desriure la tardor. Felicitats i bon inici de setmana.

  4. I love your latest creation and it looks beautiful the way you are wearing it. As always, lovely and creative photography!

  5. The locket is beautiful, but I have to say I LOVE the color combination you are wearing in the first picture. The top especially is soo pretty! Can't wait to see your Tova :)

  6. Love the blue and yellow colour combination!

  7. Qué razón tienes!! estoy encantada con esta tregua al calor de ayer y hoy en BCN.
    Los colgantes son preciosos!

  8. noooooooo q el verano se queda un poquito mas... q por aqui apenas lo hemos notado :(
    los colgantes son chulisimos!! me encanta ese tono entrea amarillo y ambar!

  9. Me, too. I am looking forward to autumn and to spending more time making things.

  10. M'encanta el primer collaret!
    I el vestit es precios, ja l'ensenyaras quan l'acabis.



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