21 Jun 2011

Time for me!!

I couldn't remember how great it was to ride my bike and going to explore the city!! I love it! But I've realized that I'm not in shape at all! So I'm going to go cycling more often and I'm going to swim in the sea too!

If I had more money the first "rich stuff" I'd do daily, it would be: having breakfast in a bar terrace!

Sometimes I have the feeling that my English is worst and worst everyday... but I keep writing in English, if someday you feel like: what is this girl trying to say?? You can ask or correct me freely! 


  1. La segona foto és de Barcelona?! On vius?! Quina passada!! Ja m'agradaria tenir una terrasseta amb aquest porxo a Barcelona!!
    Espero que les opos t'hagin anat molt bé i tinguis sort :)

  2. Sí Marta visc a Sant Andreu, aquí encara hi ha algunes casetes amb jardí! La veritat que tot un luxe!

  3. Doncs sí, no saps la sort que tens! Segur que tens molta més creativitat amb aquest entorn tant maco!

  4. No problem understanding you all. But I know what you mean, I often feel like this about my Spanish.

  5. I think your English is wonderful! I can always understand your posts. I would have no idea how to write a post in another language. xx



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